Home improvement

How to Choose the Right Roofing Material for Your Climate


The roof plays a pivotal part in a home’s safety, warmth, protection, and aesthetics, and unless it is perfectly installed and maintained, there could be vast consequences. With that in mind, maintenance might depend on numerous factors, and one is the climate. Depending on the weather, season shifts, and harsh conditions, the roof can deteriorate, or even get damaged. Hence, in order to maintain the roof’s durability, and health and to have it protect you and “serve its purpose”, you need to choose the perfect roofing material for your climate. Even if some homeowners reckon this is easier said than done, here are some roofing material choices that would help you select the best ones for your climate.

Asphalt shingles: Adaptive and cheap

The most versatile roofing material ought to be asphalt shingles. Popular mainly across Europe where the weather is adaptable to the season, where the climate is continental and ideal, and where there’s no risk of severe temperature and weather changes. What’s more, the installation and maintenance of asphalt shingle roofs is relatively easy and affordable, another reason that so many people choose this option. On the other hand, the roof would need to be perfectly insulated with quality insulation materials to withstand occasional heavy snow blizzards and rainfall that are typical for continental areas.

Copper (metal) tiles: Durable and safe

In warm and dry climates such as in Australia, you need to take into account plenty of factors than in continental climates. The roofing material should act as a good insulator, be durable, and safe, and deliver contemporary architectural design. Luckily, that’s possible with metal roofing material which is one of the most sustainable and attractive roof systems available for warm climates like in Sydney and the outskirts. Copper roofing material has been gaining popularity in recent years due to the flexibility of the tiles, its alluring aging nature, the longevity of its lifespan, and sleek apparel. Installing these roofing materials takes expertise, precision, and experience, so aim to hire copper cladding Sydney experts who would provide professional advice on how to install or repair copper roofs on a traditional or contemporary home.

Clay or concrete tiles: Waterproof and lightweight

Living in climates where there’s constant snow, ice, and cold weather, may present a real burden for people to choose the right roofing material, however, clay, stone-coated steel, and concrete tiles have proven to be fantastic. In areas that regularly succumb to rain, snow, and ice, clay and concrete tiles act as the best roofing material as it is waterproof and lightweight material that it’s able to withstand plenty of snow accumulated on top of it. These roofing materials would require a stable layer of insulation for extra reinforcement and safety, but nevertheless, they are perfectly workable for cold and unpredictable weather.

Green roofing: Eco-friendly and moderate

Plenty of people across the globe remain utterly attentive towards the planet and green or living roofs are seemingly getting more and more attractive. Green roofing materials are eco-friendly since they use a waterproof membrane on top of a shingle or some other basic roofing material that is covered with either soil or some other eco material that slowly cools the building. Therefore, green roofs are constructed of living plants or soil that emit oxygen and prolong the lifespan of the roof beneath it. These types of roofing materials are not for climates with great extremes but for more moderate climates, they might be pricey and hard to maintain.

Photovoltaic roofing: Adaptable and lucrative

One roofing material that would fit most climates is photovoltaic roofing. PV roof shingles are able to convert solar energy into electricity, making them one of the most lucrative solutions as well. Solar tiles and sheets have unique energy-efficient technology plus they come in various forms, especially in conventional shingle forms and sizes hence they are perfectly adaptable for various house types. Although photovoltaic roofing is not widely used they are perfect for both warm and cold climates.

Depending on the country, region, and overall climate, as a mindful homeowner, you ought to read the following guide and get the gist of how to choose the best roofing material. By doing your homework and carefully looking after the above-mentioned factors, you will undoubtedly choose the best roofing that ticks all the boxes.

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