Home improvement

5 Important Tips When Building a House in the UK


If you’re planning to build a house in the UK, there are a few things that you need to consider. This includes finding the right plot, planning your budget and working with a reputable contractor.

Some builders have a bad reputation, but it’s not impossible to find reliable ones in the UK. Here are 5 tips that will help you to avoid rogue traders and get a great building experience.

  1. Know Your Plot

Finding a plot of land that will suit your needs and budget is essential when you are planning to build a house in the UK. This is because plots of land have specific restrictions, covenants and easements that affect how you can build your home.

You may need to consult with the local planning authority to check whether the plot you are considering building on is suitable for a self-build project. They are a useful resource as they publish all planning applications within their area.

If you’re planning a larger house, you may want to speak with an Architect Essex as well. They will be able to offer invaluable advice on how to best build your home, including constraints and opportunities that you may have overlooked.

  1. Plan Your Budget

The key to building your own house on a budget is to plan everything upfront. It is not just about buying the materials and hiring a builder or two. There are many costs you probably have not even realised at this point.

Plan it all out, see if it all fits in your budget, and then look at areas you can save some money if it looks like you are going to go over budget. Shop around when purchasing your materials. Some places will give you better discounts when buying in bulk. Also, go for cheaper finishes for now and then plan to upgrade them sometime down the line. This will help your immediate budget.

  1. Talk to Professionals

When building a house from scratch, you cannot just go buy some land and then start building. You first have to ensure that you have the clearance for your build. You will have to obtain planning permission from the local council and ensure that your plans all pass regulations.

  1. Work with a Reputable Contractor

A reliable builder is a key part of building a home. Getting references from previous clients can help you identify the right contractor for your needs. You should also ask them if they’re happy with their work and how professional they were during the project. If you are unsure about the quality of a contractor’s work, check reviews online.

  1. Look for the Right Plot

It can be a challenge to find the right plot to build your house on, so it’s important to start your search early and get a clear idea of what you want. It’s also a good idea to narrow your search area down and only look for plots within a few miles of where you would like to live.

You can use Google maps to spot potential plots and check against the Land Registry in England and Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland. This can help you identify infill plots where a piece of land sits unused between two existing houses.

Ready to Start

You should now have the information and guidance needed to start building your UK property. Just make sure that you have the green light from the local government or all of your work could go to waste.

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